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Hi KelSince you are new to Linux, I am not 100% sure that Slackware is the Linux distro to start with . . . . Sure you can have a go at it, but I would rather advice you an easier one like Mandriva ( Mandrake ), PCLos or SUSE, where Mandriva and PCLos have the largest software pool of music software to get your extra's from.What actually would be best is to try a few "Live CDs" ( distro's that run 100% from CD without HD install ) to check what distro likes your hardware best . . . after that you can decide to get the "real" thing and install it to HD.Read here about Live CDs: http://forums.scotsnewsletter.com/index.ph...14&t=503&st=142:thumbsup: BrunoPS: Since your needs are rather specific we might move your posts to a special thread ( dedicated to you ) on the forum later . . . we will inform you when we do so.

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Just checked this topic again out of curiosity. No posts for two years and the original lists linked haven't been updated since 2003!Consequently, some of the apps listed don't exist now or have been renamed. (Anyone use Firebird still? It's Firefox now to avoid confusion with Firebird database.)Even worse, some new applications that have become best-of-breed are not mentioned. Here's a short list of apps I currently use:Browser - Firefox (aka Iceweasel)Mail - ThunderbirdMusic player - Amarok Music creation - LMMS, Ardour, Rosegarden, AudacityVideo player - SMplayerCD ripper - KAudioCreatorText editor - KateWord processor - AbiwordPDF viewer - KpdfGraphics - GIMPVector graphics - Xara Xtreme LX, InkscapeImage viewer - GQviewI could keep going, but as you see, most of these have emerged since 2003. The list is GPL, so it would be fine to update it, but a huge undertaking. :wacko: Does anyone know of a more recent list?PS. Got to mention SMplayer as it's so new no-one has probably heard of it. It's a front end for Mplayer with excellent range of menu functions and a nice selection of skins in a separate package. It comes in a tarball which has scripts to build a .deb or .rpm package, and installed seamlessly. Became my prime player first time I tried it. Excellent! :) B)

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