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AMD K6 vs Pentium III


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I want to buy Adobe Photoshop Album, but need to know if it will work. Adobe says the software requires a Pentium III or 4 processor, but my machine uses an AMD K6. Does anyone know if the K6 is equivalent performance-wise to the Pentium III?

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I want to buy Adobe Photoshop Album, but need to know if it will work.  Adobe says the software requires a Pentium III or 4 processor, but my machine uses an AMD K6.  Does anyone know if the K6 is equivalent performance-wise to the Pentium III?
good questionAs far as I know, AMD K5 was equivalent to Pentium, K6 to the Pentium II, Athlon to Pentirum III, and Athlon XP to Pentium 4. Is there any way you can get a trial copy to see if it works? or email Adobe directly. good luck.
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I have a K6-2 450Mhz which runs with 256MB RAM and found that it can run pretty much all the photo stuff that WinXP had. I think the important part is having enough RAM. 128MB would be too slow for me. I found that that Jasc Paint Shop Pro 6 and 7 ran well and would edit photographs quickly and they didn't take long to load, etc. :)It's presently at college running MP3's and games.

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The K6 was AMD's first CPU to be technologically equivalent to Intel's Pentium Pro and Pentium II (233-300 MHz). So that's your baseline. Having said that, download the trial version and see how it performs. If it performs reasonably well, but not great, I would suggest adding more memory to your system if possible. If your motherboard has two types of memory slots (i.e., 72-pin SIMMs and 184-pin DIMMs), see which type of memory you currently have and if possible, upgrade to SDRAM DIMMs.

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I agree with the memory and trying it out and have this to add.Why Photoshop Album? What are you trying to do with the application? If you cannot get the demo to run smoothly I am sure there are other programs that can do what you need. Let us know how it goes and/or what you need to do maybe we can point you to a better application for your setup.By the way the K6 came in 3 flavors the K6 equivalant to the Pentium 200MMX-233MMX, the K6-2 Equivalant to the Pentuim II/Pentium Pro 233-333 and the K6-3 equivalant to the Pentium II 350-450. We still use the K6 and K6-2 running 266MHz daily in our POS machines. The machines are full of dust and fuzz and the heatsink fans have long since failed but these durable processors keep on running. You can't say that for the current stuff. Fan failure is certain processor death.Chris

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Thanks for all the feedback. I am running 256 Megs of Ram. I downloaded the starter (trial) version of the program, which is supposed to be complete though limited in the number of pictures it can handle. It took three tries (long download, even over broadband). The program now loads OK (I think), but opens with a message that DirectX is present but would not initialize. Whatever that means. I haven't tried to research that problem yet.I was just looking for a program to essentially organize my photos and let me retrieve them by some assigned criteria (date, subject, etc.). I picked this program only because I saw a good review. I am open to any suggestions, and thank you much.

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JASC (makers of popular Paint Shop Pro) have a photo album program for under $50, and it says "pentium processor" for minimum requirement, which is any AMD K5, K6 or Athlon too.here is the linkthey also have a demo. try it out. :lol:

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The program now loads OK (I think), but opens with a message that DirectX is present but would not initialize.  Whatever that means.  I haven't tried to research that problem yet.
I suspect it would prefer the latest DirectX drivers, which is at version 9.0a.
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Guest genaldar

Don't bother getting directx 9 yet, the only program that requires it is 3dmark 03. It's also a honkin huge download, which can't be saved for reinstalls later. Unless those 2 things have changed since I downloaded it.The k62 came in speeds up to 450, but it doesn't really match up to the p2, its more of a match for the celeron. Then again all the k6 line are closer matches to celerons then pentiums, but for most things they match up with pentiums well enough to be equivilent.btw not to be another person reccomending a different product then helping you with the product you want but have you thought about acdsee? It's cheap ($25 I think) and very good. Or you could always try irfanview (it's free). It doesn't do as much as acdsee but you can't beat the price B).

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Thanks for the helpful comments. When I installed the Adobe album, it loaded DirectX 8.0 as part of the install, although it can't seem to initialize it. Just for kicks I installed the program on an old Toshiba Pentium laptop and everything went perfectly. The only problem is that there is not enough RAM to handle all the features. I suspect there may be enough difference between the processors to cause my problem.

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