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HP not seeing CD


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Haveing a problem with an older HP Vectra seeing the cd rom at the post, its an 75 pentium with Win98sewith out any updates. When it fully boots to the OS it will see it. You may ask why the Pentium 75 ?I put them together for kids who can't afford new, and can use a computer at home, and some of these older computers have gone to college, they still work , usally when they go to a college it dosen't take long and the computer people at school will help them out. So its a win win Sorry for the long post but just wanted to fill in the blanks.

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I'm not sure I follow what your problem is? You say that Windows sees the CD but it doesn't show up in BIOS? Or not in DOS? For some older BIOSes that can be normal not to see it and still work and you need DOS level drivers to run it in dos. Windows 98 ships with a generic driver that will mostlikly work. Just make a boot disk and try that. If it works then you can copy it into your Config.sys and Dosstart.bat files to give you a CD-ROM in DOS mode.

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Sorry for the confusion , it boots to a HP Vectra screen then to a dos screen which has one line( which is highligted) that the cd was not found, at the bottom of this screen there are options, Press F1 to continue which I do and it goes on to the desktop.

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You know what, I think it's in your autoexec.bat file that line is popping up. Can I assume this machine once had DOS/Windows 95 on it? What's likely the culprit is that in your config.sys file, Windows has commented out your CD-ROM driver, but your autoexec.bat file is still loading mscdex.exe. That's not a problem since Windows 98SE doesn't use the DOS drivers anyway. Check the autoexec.bat file and delete or comment out the line that loads mscdex.exe.

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The other option is a missetup bios that has perhaps two CDs listed. So it sees the correct one and fails on the other. But I betcha Peachy nailed it.

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