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Stopping USB Mass Storage Device


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I am using a Transcend JetFlash USB 2.0 PenDrive (64 MB). Everything run smoothly for a month or so, but now whenever I try to stop it, I get the following message: The device 'Generic Volume' cannot be stopped right now. Try stopping the device again later.All I can do is that I don't care about this message and unplug the device. Maybe it's best not to use this safe stopping at all? Does someone have a hint what's causing this problem and how to avoid it?

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Odd.While you were browsing the volume did you have the "thumb nails" generated by windows? that too will mess things up. I regularly have issues deleting folders that had the thumbs.db file generated until I reboot.Chris

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Yes, I did disable indexing service long ago and I don't find any 'thumbs' at the moment from my folders.So, I just unplug the device discarding the message 'can't be stopped' or, if I have some very important files in it that I definetely don't want to lose, I restart my pc, which enables stopping the USB device correctly.Annoying, anyway! :) Some genius might develope a tiny tool to do that without restarting??? :rolleyes:

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Had this problem with my 256 MB.I noticed that I needed to close all windows associated with the drive and wait a few seconds and all was well.Carl Croom

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Had this problem with my 256 MB.I noticed that I needed to close all windows associated with the driveĀ  and wait a few seconds and all was well.Carl Croom
Sorry, but doesn't work for me! (OS Windows2000) :lol:
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