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Asus P4PE questions


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As a user of the Asus P4PE motherboard I have some questions to other P4PE-users on which I need your help:1. Did you ever experienced the "cold boot failure" (CPU test failed at startup)2. Did you instal Bios version 1005 to get rid of this failure? Did it help?3. What's the fuzz about enabling FSB at 800Mhz using Bios from version 1003 and so let the mobo's 845PE chipset think it's a 865PE chipset?4. Is anyone of you using the P4PE with a FSB at 800Mhz?5. Could this FSB speed-up be of interest for me?I appreciate your advise on this puzzling matters!

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1. Did you ever experienced the "cold boot failure" (CPU test failed at startup)
Nope. I have a Pentium 4 1.6A that worked on first boot. Then I upped the FSB to 133MHz and it has been running overclocked at 2.1GHz for a good 6 months now without a crash. I leave it on 24/7 and the only time this gets rebooted is if I'm installing software or updates or if I want to tweak something. I have not had any hardware related problems with this setup, yet.
2. Did you instal Bios version 1005 to get rid of this failure? Did it help?
Yes, but that doesn't answer question 1 above.
3. What's the fuzz about enabling FSB at 800Mhz using Bios from version 1003 and so let the mobo's 845PE chipset think it's a 865PE chipset?
I've read some websites that mention this. I haven't tried that frequency, but I did try 166MHz and it froze up completely. Wouldn't POST at all.
4. Is anyone of you using the P4PE with a FSB at 800Mhz?
Nope. See above.
5. Could this FSB speed-up be of interest for me?
It would dramatically increase your speed if you could do it. But you'd probably only notice it if you are running benchmarks or heavily processor-intensive applications like rendering, Photoshop, or video compression.
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Oh, and if you did want to try the 800 FSB setting then you should have a processor with a low enough multiplier otherwise I don't think you will be able to post. Remember, for example a Pentium 4 1.6 has a 16x multiplier (which is locked and you can't change it!) so running this processor at 533 MHz FSB will give you 2.13 GHz and if you can get it to 800 MHz FSB then it is effectively running a 3.2 GHz.

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snoepie,I read that the Pentium 4 2.4 is a good overclocker. You may not get it to 800 (200) MHz fsb but you can get it up to 3 GHz at 667 MHz (166).

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Thanks Peachy. I think this is a great topic for an in-depth study, but only interesting for those who use this mobo. Since you and I are (apparently) the only SFNLforum-members that own this mobo, I suggest we will communicate this matter using PM, or do you think the process of solving this quest will be helpfull to other SFNLforum-members? (not using PM but post publicly?)Now I am reading all I can (on the web and other forums) on this matter to increase my knowledge. I only overclocked a computer once (with poor result) so I have to learn quite a lot. I will report to you soon!

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Snoepie,I don't have that board but I am an overclocker and you might have troubles with getting your setup to run that fast. There is a big difference between 133MHz and 200MHz. Your memory will need to be able to run that fast. you will need to think about some case cooling to help keep things from melting down.800 MHz FSB speed is nice but if this is your only PC I don't think it is worth the risk.Chris

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1. Did you ever experienced the "cold boot failure" (CPU test failed at startup)2. Did you instal Bios version 1005 to get rid of this failure? Did it help?3. What's the fuzz about enabling FSB at 800Mhz using Bios from version 1003 and so let the mobo's 845PE chipset think it's a 865PE chipset?4. Is anyone of you using the P4PE with a FSB at 800Mhz?5. Could this FSB speed-up be of interest for me?I appreciate your advise on this puzzling matters!
A bit of googling found amny hits for "CPU Test Failed P4PE" Was the PC bootable after getting the message or is is DOA now? Many of the hits came back as a conflict with the Video card or not enough Power Supply. From what I have read so far that looks loke a good board. Chris
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ASUS has published a document on their web site that claims that you can run a Pentium 4 Northwood "C" CPU (800 MHz FSB) on the P4PE if you follow their guidelines -- which means you need a single PC3200 DDR DIMM. However, they say that you shouldn't try overclocking a Northwood "B" (533 MHz FSB) CPU to 800 MHz unless you can unlock the CPU frequency multiplier, which is next to impossible unless you have an engineering sample of the CPU.

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