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KDE 3.5.2 is available in PCLOS


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Although Bruno's daily update list shows every kde rpm, but doesn't mention specifically that this is 3.5.2 i.e. release upgrade.If you having problem with your optical drives after the upgrade, just comment out every /mnt/cdrom* entry in the /etc/fstab.the fstab-sync will regenerate the correct fstab entry something like:

/dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom   auto   pamconsole,exec,noauto,managed 0 0/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom1 auto   pamconsole,exec,noauto,managed 0 0

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THANK YOU!!!!!!!! I was just about to start banging head on desk again..... before the old knots even had a chance to disappear. :)Bruno!!!! Nice to see you my old friend!!!

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Bruno!!!! Nice to see you my old friend!!!
LOL . . . Stryder, my friend . . . where have you been hiding ?:w00t: Bruno
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Did they add any cool features to KDE 3.5.2, or is it more of a bugfix version? I am using KDE 3.5.1 now and wondering if I should update to 3.5.2 once the package becomes available for FC5. :hysterical:

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LOL . . . KDE calls it a "maintenance release" . . . ( translated: bugfix release ):

KDE 3.5.2 is a maintenance release which provides corrections of problems reported using the KDE bug tracking system and greatly enhanced support for existing translations and new translations.For a more detailed list of improvements since the KDE 3.5.1 release in January 2005, please refer to the KDE 3.5.2 Changelog.
Here is the changelog: http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelog..._5_1to3_5_2.phpMy advice: If you have no problems with 3.5.1 . . . wait with upgrading for the bugs in 3.5.2 to be squashed :PB) Bruno
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I updated to 3.5.2 a few days ago without problems. The proces even advised to reboot after the last update was installed. Running smooth as silk here.BTW: The below has nothing to do with this or any other normal update.I had one broken package on the system due to the install of specialized Canon printer drivers. Then I said I'll see what happens with the next update, well now it was the time to see. I first had to repair, in practice it came down to remove the broken package, therefore the Canon driver was also removed.After that I was able to do the updates.I then reinstalled my special Canon drivers, the system is running OK again incl. the new KDE + Canon drivers.

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I updated to 3.5.2 a few days ago without problems. The proces even advised to reboot after the last update was installed. Running smooth as silk here.
Hi striker. :)Sounds good. Which Linux distro are you using?
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