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Internet settings

Allan Lee

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Could anyone tell me the settings for connecting to wireless? I'm fixin' a network with an XP server. I have two hardwired computers, and a laptop configured to wireless. (XP) How would I set up a desktop (with wireless NIC)? What are the actual settings I need for the desktop running ME once I get the NIC configured? Thanks.

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If you don't use some form of wireless access point, then the wireless NICs must be set to ad hoc mode and you have to assign static IP addresses to them. The point of using a wireless access point is you gain greater signal strength and the ability to extend the range of the network, particularly if you want to go through a wall!

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Yes, I'm using an access point, and a booster. We have one ME browsing from that setup too, but someone else set it up, and I'm not sure how they did it. Now, we have other computers to set up and I need to know how to do it myself. We are going to be using ME on another computer, as well as possibly 98SE on another one. I just don't know where to go to set up the particular settings to get them browsing once I install the wireless nic. I am on satellite, and the modem has it's settings, so I can't use a router. Also, I'm going to have to use a range extender later, so not sure how that's going to affect things. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.Thanks, Allan

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Can you give us a full description of each desktop/laptop with their respective OS, which model of access point you have, how is it connected to the wired network, which PC has the satellite modem, whether there is another switch/hub involved. The more detailed the better. :ph34r:

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Ok, here we go. I have a HP with XP PRo as the gateway, hooked up to Starband Satellite. From there, the gateway computer goes to a Netgear hub. From the hub, I have two other XP's hard wired. The fourth (and last) slot on the hub, goes (via ethernet) to a Linksys Wireless Access Point. Sitting on top of that is a Linksys Signal Booster. From there, we go to another computer (ME) which has a Linksys wireless nic, and it is working fine. What I want to do is add another computer (ME) with another Linksys wireless nic 802.11b. Once it is configured, I'll need to get it to browse. Just installing the nic won't get me to browse, I'll have to configure the computer to recognize my network from the Access Point and Booster. All configuring is done in the Satellite modem, and I'm just changing that signal from wired to wireless. The ME that is browsing is working fine, I just don't know how it was setup. Also, I'll be adding a range extender later to add more computers, which are 98SE. Need any more info, just let me know. Thanks, Allan

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Hmm,I would go into the Windows ME computer with the wireless NIC and look at the adapter settings in the Networking Control Panel applet. It should give you an idea of how it's configured. Then you can try and reproduce the same settings. Since you don't have a router, I suspect all you either have all the other machines with static IP addresses or you are using ICS, which in this case sets up a mini-DHCP server. Can you determine go the the Windows XP machine that is your gateway and check it's NIC settings for the LAN? It would be helpful to see also, the adapter settings for the other two other wired XP machines.

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One other thing that I found when running a mixed XP Pro/ ME network with XP gateway (I'm using ICS) is that you can (maybe must, I'm not sure) create a network disk in the network setup of XP & run it on your ME machine. The program from XP will be netsetup.exe. Create in XP network setup, copy to a floppy, take to ME machine & run. I found that assigning static IP addresses worked better for me in the long run rather than letting XP use DHCP.

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You can also use the XP install disc to install the ICS client software on the ME machine... It's in the Install other software link? Called setup a home network.. Pretty straightforward... Either the floppy or the CD work. B)

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You will make it work, but be warned, after few month (or few weeks) it will crash, ICS is at best “Quirky†and it does worth in a Wireless Setting.I am not familiar with your Internet source, but if it at the end it feeds regular Ethernet, you are much better off getting a Router ($20-$40). Plug your Access Point to the Router, and you would have a much more configurable stable system.Link: Diagram of Broadband Connection with Cable/DSL Router. Link: Wireless Network - Configuration Modes.Link: Wireless Security.

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I ran the XP netsetup on my ME machines & then set up my IP addresses & default gateway manually. ICS is much more stable now. I know that this sounds self-defeating, but the one thing that it gives me by doing this is that I am able to disconnect my dial-up from my ME machines. It may do other stuff too, not sure. If you just use the network setup in ME, you don't get the choice of controlling your internet connection from the ME machines. If you're using broadband, this won't be an issue.

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With the netsetup on the client machines, it does mean that they can directly control XP's firewall settings, a very nice feature if you don't use the gateway computer directly :lol:

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