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I suppose I should know this--but I don't. Some of the topic titles are preceded by the word "Pinned". What does that mean? I've scratched my head till I got splinters in my fingernails trying to figure it out. Frank

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I suppose I should know this--but I don't.  Some of the topic titles are preceded by the word "Pinned".  What does that mean?  I've scratched my head till I got splinters in my fingernails trying to figure it out. Frank
It is just pinned to the top of the forum. Notice how it does not get bumped down when other topics and replies are made. Kinda like a sticky note. It stays there.
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I have the option to change the wording here. And I've actually been considering changing it to "sticky." Would that be more immediately clear? I wasn't sure it would be.-- Scot

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Guest LilBambi

Pinned or Sticky ... they both work ... although Sticky is what some other boards use and would probably make it more consistent with use across forum boards.

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Guest Paracelsus
:( "Why Be Normal???" :lol:As a Lefty, I've always been a devout Contrarian :( I throw my vote with muckshifter... Let's be different.(After all... It shouldn't take even a newbie more than two or three visits to figure out why certain threads always remain on top).Oh!!!... Why not use some "Win-Speak" and call them:"Always On Top" :D :D :(
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Sticky sounds less painful. But being pinned HAS brought me and my thread much closer...I think this could be true love. :)

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My only requirement is that it not be too long. "Always on Top" is sorta cool, but too long. As usual, because Jeber literally made me laugh out loud, I'm going with his thought -- for now. I may attempt some sort of theme for the whole forums with Titles/Ranks and all these other words, and might change it then.But for now, it's going to be "sticky." And we'll at least see if we like it.-- Scot

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Hey LilBambi, I'm just a little curious (but really, really moronic) : what's a "post master"? Shouldn't you be a post mistress? Do you check all the emails for correct address, proper postage, that sort of thing? Or is it a martial arts kinda Jackie Chan type thing? "I am the post master, little woodchuck. I shall teach you the way of the post". Do you get a uniform, employee discounts, medical benefits? Like I said, just curious. :rolleyes:

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Guest LilBambi
Hey LilBambi, I'm just a little curious (but really, really moronic) : what's a "post master"?  Shouldn't you be a post mistress?  Do you check all the emails for correct address, proper postage, that sort of thing?  Or is it a martial arts kinda Jackie Chan type thing?  "I am the post master, little woodchuck.  I shall teach you the way of the post".  Do you get a uniform, employee discounts, medical benefits?  Like I said, just curious.  :)
Oh, that is way too funny! :) ;) :) After the Jackie Chan comment, all I could think of was "Boot to the head, nah, nah!" ... sorry, couldn't help myself ... (that was a very silly song on a Dr. Demento II double album set for those who didn't realize where the quote came from) ;) Actually, I am not sure what Post Master means ... just one of those ranking names I guess ... Maybe Stryder and Thunder know since they share the same ranking ;) Hmmmm.... master of the post ... would that be a 4x4 or 6x8 post and how would one master a hunk of wood anyway ;) OK, OK ... I will be quiet now ... Jeber, it's all your fault ;)
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LilBambi,You are correct! "Post Master" is one of the ranking names for the forum.hkspike,Only Administrators or Moderators can "pin" or make a post "sticky."Everyone has their own ways on deciding what is and isn't important. For example, Scot (our wonderful Admin) views topics that have high viewing and reply ratings, and often times make them "sticky." Then when the topic starts to fade off, the topic is then un-stuck.I hope that helps.

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Everything sticky gets unsticky eventually. Fact of life, organic and electronic. Still, kinda sad, isn't it? :lol:

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Fwiw, "Post Master" was actually my idea. It was one of those five second things, like I needed a title/rank deal and couldn't think of anything actually witty so I wrote that. ;)

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Jeber! We are so glad we found you! The whole staff was very worried. Dr Earle, especially, because you didn't take your medicine with you.Dr Earle says, once you get back to the hospital, he will help you feel batter. He promises.No more Nazis under the bridges or those bad old police officers who follow you around 24 hours a day.Come with us Jeeber...let's go home.

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Guest LilBambi
Fwiw, "Post Master" was actually my idea. It was one of those five second things, like I needed a title/rank deal and couldn't think of anything actually witty so I wrote that.  :o
Been there! :o :o :o :o :o B) :lol: :o
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No, no, no. I want to stay here and talk to these nice people. I'll be good. I'll even take my medicine. And I promise not to wear the raincoat, and only the raincoat, any more. Dr Earle scares me. These are nice people. They don't scare me. They don't even seem to care that I came from Pluto and can predict the past. :rolleyes:

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