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live cd boot problem


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I recently downloaded preview 9 and burned to cd.(no problem)I booted from the cd and the boot screen came up. After hitting enter, the next boot screen came up with the progress meter. About 5 seconds later, I get an 'UNABLE TO MOUNT LOOP FILE SYSTEM' erroor and the machine goes dead.What could be wrong? I have no problem booting from the preview 81 live cd.Bruno(2)

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You have a bad burn of the CD. That happened to me on the first burn and I did not check it. I redownloaded and burned and that problem went away completely. :pirate: Did you check the md5sum or were you like me and a bit lazy?

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I recently downloaded preview 9 and burned to cd.(no problem)I booted from the cd and the boot screen came up. After hitting enter, the next boot screen came up with the progress meter. About 5 seconds later, I get an 'UNABLE TO MOUNT LOOP FILE SYSTEM' erroor and the machine goes dead.What could be wrong? I have no problem booting from the preview 81 live cd.Bruno(2)

when you get this problem it normaly means wrong burn.right after the unable mount loop filesystem you should get 3 lines i.e.Dropping you to limited shell, and the commands used, were....You can run those commands manually and see what is wrong but it is a lot simpler if you try to boot with mediacheck bootcode which will do an md5sum check on your cd.Hope this helps
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You have a bad burn of the CD.  That happened to me on the first burn and I did not check it.  I redownloaded and burned and that problem went away completely. :pirate:  Did you check the md5sum or were you like me and a bit lazy?

I have no idea what a md5sum means? I used nero (in windows to burn the .iso) twice.The second time I burned at minimum speed to try and avoid errors.Maybe I'll boot from the preview 81 and burn the .isoBruno(2)
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Hi B2If I remember correctly you have a nforce mobo . . . . . in that case you better try the pclinuxos-p9-alt.iso you can get it here: http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distri...nglish/preview/Please download it in Linux and save it to your /home/bruno . . . . then after the download give the command:

$ md5sum /home/bruno/pclinuxos-p9-alt.iso

This will produce an output you should compare to this:

f2d98d9a657e378d88ade51ca134256a  pclinuxos-p9-alt.iso
If the output is 100% the same as the quote above you can be sure the download is okay.Then rightclick the ISO file and choose "action" --> "burn CD image with k3b" to burn the ISO to CD ( really the Linux tool is much better then Nero :pirate: )This version of PCLos has much better sata support so you should not have the same problems you had with version 8 :DB) Bruno
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