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ICS without ICF in WinXP?


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Okay... haven't actually messed with this yet as I just got my computers set up and don't have them networked or have internet yet... My primary Machine (running XP Pro) will be hooked up to the cable internet directly, and then I've got a second network card that will be using a crossover cable connected to my girlfriend's PC (running Win98). I want her to be able to access the internet using Internet Connection Sharing from my PC... I assume first of all, that my setup will work?Second, I'm running ZAPro on my machine (with XP firewall disabled). If I recall, to run ICS, I have to re-enable the ICS/ICF service (therefore enabling the XP Firewall). I want the XP firewall disabled so it doesn't screw up my custom ZA settings (remote desktop/FTP server/etc.). Is there a way to keep the ICS enabled while disabling the ICF? I haven't had a chance to mess with this yet, but wanted to see if there's a way to do this so when I get home tonight I can mess with it.

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RyanI not at home to check, but I am pretty sure you can run ICS without running the XP firewall. if I'm not mistaken you will have that option when you connect ICS

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Barry,Thanks for the info... I'm hoping that's the case, but as I said, I haven't set it up yet to know... just wanted to confirm I could do this (saves having to go buy a router right now! :)

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Yellowpike, Thanks for the link! I was actually able to get it figured out last night and everything is up and working quite well now! That link will explain things very simply to anybody wanting to use the ICF/ICS... Nice to know I can customize the ICF (did and decided to leave it on) so I can access my remote desktop and ftp :D

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RyanGlad it worked out for ya..My first"Home Network"was pretty much the same thing..Host w/ crossover to client" The only part I didn't like was having tohave the host turned on for the client to be used.

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Yeah Barry, although that shouldn't be too much of a problem on my end... My host is my computer, and the client is my girlfriend's (only a Pentium 100), so mine will get the primary use... only hooked up hers so we could both be online at the same time :)Keep my PC on 24/7 anyway :D

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Yeah...a Linux candidate alright, except that she isn't very computer savvy (doesn't want to learn), and will stick with Win98... maybe if we ever get her a new puter, I'll put something on it <_<

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Yeah..I understand..My wife could care less..the only way I got to Load Redhat on her Desktop was the Majhong(sp?) Games..But other than that .if she can surf..send e-mail..and a few other things forget it....I'll try to explain things ( like why AV is important, and "House cleaning her computer) <_< and her eyes glaze over..

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