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Sprint says DSL is very secure...is it??


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Hi,I just read Scott’s last newsletter (Vol. 3, Issue No. 46) which comes at just the right time. We’ve just switched to DSL a few weeks ago. When you know as little about DSL/hardware modems/online configuration as I do…it’s hard to know what questions to even ask. I’ve used the online configurator to change the password for my modem (ZyXel 645). Does this actually change a setting in the hardware modem sitting on my desk…or just at the IP side of things?Sprint says DSL is much more secure than dial-up because we are on a “private network†and it is ‘their’ address, not mine, that is visible to the web. I’ve checked four different security test sites, including GRC’s. They confirm that if I’d ran the tests, they would have been testing my IP, not me. If it’s not my address that is seen, why should I be concerned about hackers and such?I turn off the PC at night due to the high pitched fan…but I often forget to turn off the DSL modem. Should I be concerned with a hacker/trojan/etc lurking in the background waiting for me to power back up? Is it something that actually happens, or it’s just possible for it to happen?At the moment I only have one PC, with XP Home installed, connected. But I plan to connect our other two (probably with a router) at some point in the future. I run AV, a Trojan detector, have file sharing disabled, plus Scripting toggled off unless needed. I’m very careful as to what I download and install. SSDP Discovery Service and Universal Plug and Play are both disabled.Is DSL more secure than Dial-Up? Is a firewall really needed if I’m on a “private network� (I’ve found software firewalls to be a major pain on a family PC that makes use of User Profiles.) Even though it “appears†to be a lot more secure than Dial-Up, somehow while I’m sitting here staring at the DSL modem….I don’t feel as secure as they say I should.Thanks much and I hope you bear with me. As I mentioned, when you're dumber than a rock about how something works..... :rolleyes: dab

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I use Sprint DSL and all I can tell you is I have never had a virus slip through. I have run the tests and always come up secure. The only firewall I use is the XP firewall. I do run Avast for a virus protection. I have been extremely happy. The only problem I have had is with our power fluctuations and phone line outages. I have to reset once every few months. I always leave the boxes on (I have to have a router because I tie 3 computers into the connection) and have not had any other problems. Enjoy. I would never feel immune to anything. That is just impossible. Then again, I probably don't know much more than you but I have been using the Sprint DSL for a year now.

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I’ve used the online configurator to change the password for my modem (ZyXel 645). Does this actually change a setting in the hardware modem sitting on my desk…or just at the IP side of things?I’ve checked four different security test sites, including GRC’s. They confirm that if I’d ran the tests, they would have been testing my IP, not me. If it’s not my address that is seen, why should I be concerned about hackers and such?Is a firewall really needed if I’m on a “private network� (I’ve found software firewalls to be a major pain on a family PC that makes use of User Profiles.) Even though it “appears†to be a lot more secure than Dial-Up, somehow while I’m sitting here staring at the DSL modem….I don’t feel as secure as they say I should.
It’s a little bit of a yes & no answer to be honest. (imho)First yes it did help to change your router pw because all standard pw's for all h/w products can be found on the web. So if someone is interested at looking into your box they have to at least ‘trump’ that one small hurdle.Next – there are open ports the GRC is not necessarily showing you are open mostly outbound udp ports. These are a backdoor in. You can learn to “map†the ports to your router software so you have only the necessary ones open at any given time.I would still run some type of virus protection (say for checking inbound emails) like the free version of AVG from Grisoft: unobtrusive & functions nicely.Additionally, yes, the built in XP firewall has some protection but then everyone that understand XP understands (if they are a hacker) how to sneak around it.In all likelihood, if you are the typical home user you are rather safe (debatable more safe than on dial-up) But IM sessions, mails, web browsing pages with hidden malicious code do exist.Careful configuration of the settings in Tools in your browser (if you are using IE6) will help protect you even more.I guess it depends on how high your paranoia factor is. I hope this helped a little & there are several sights to read about basic safety on dsl/cable home networking & are available online if you remain interested. I think you have done 500% more stabilization, reading, & you understand far more than you give yourself credit for.
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teacher,Thanks...it makes me feel better about Sprint. I never feel "immune" especially with computers. I tried the XP firewall...but the main thing I've used a firewall for is to catch stuff dialing out which XP's doesn't do. pro-surferOh, I do run an anti-virus..Grisoft Pro.

there are several sights to read about basic safety on dsl/cable home networking & are available online if you remain interested
Sure I'm interested. This is what I'm trying to understand and educated myself in an always-on system.
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I too shut down my system at night (seems to knock my electric bill down by about $12/mon), but I always leave the modem on. The current draw is very small.

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