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Forum Error Message - Forum Upgrade


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A little while ago today we had a relatively brief outage of the forums. Although there were pretty ominous-sounding error messages that implied issues with the database, the database was apparently not affected.I'm awaiting report from our Webhost, but I believe the problem may have been caused by some sort of internal network error at my host. It appears to be fixed now, but since I have had no word, we could be in for futher hiccups.I also wanted to let everyone know that we will be upgrading the forum software to the 2.0 version (a major upgrade) in the near future. Possibly the very near future.When this happens, for at the least several days, there will only be one forum skin -- the default blue one.Hopefully, there will be more detail on this to come before the upgrade. If not, we'll explain it after the upgrade.Please be patient with us while this is going on. There are always problems after an upgrade. Please do not hassle our forum moderators and admins with a lot of urgent requests to fix minor things. We will get to fixing all things that may break as quickly as our lives and scheduels allow. We appreciate knowing what's broken, but please do so in a friendly way.I appreciate your help in this.-- Scot

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Rules. We have rules here? Who the heck did that? Why wasn't I informed of this? Who died and made you God? I demand a recount! Heck I demand vote! And a pepperoni pizza while you are at it. And maybe some beer......Geez rules. Next they will want to count how many posts we make and have little smiley things all over the place.

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2.0 upgrades that I have done have been quick and painless. 2.0 is really nice software too, but not worth the price imho. There are 2.0 skins available too if you look around. I've installed a couple on a board I have and it was a piece of cake. Admins and mods are really gonna like 2.0 that is for sure.

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For once I am happy to support that something new for the forums costs us not a dime. The 2.0 upgrade is free because we host at IPS, the company behind the forum software. So there's one of the pay-offs for going with IPS. Also, so far, I've been very happy with IPS. The MySQL errors we had the other day? They admitted that it was there fault, and asked for patience as they were implementing something to prevent the problem in future. There was no damage to the databases at all.And they're not expensive.Some day I hope we have a dedicated hosting situation. But until then, this is pretty darn good.-- ScotP.S. Your post in this thread gave me a chuckle, Nathan.

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