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For all PCLos Fans . .


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For all fans of PCLosYes we all know that PCLos is a brilliant Distro !Yes, we all know that this distro and all additional software can be downloaded for free ( as in free beer )Yes, we all know that updates are always quick and new versions, of for example Gaim or Gimp, come up in synaptic before any other distro has them.Yes, you get great support and troubleshooting on our ATL forum for PCLos.Yes, we know that Texstar is the driving force behind all this excellence.Also we know that really only the sun shines for free . . . . . Supporting your favorite distro is more then just a good idea B) So I call on ALL the PCLos users to go to this page: http://www.pclinuxonline.com/pclos/html/donations.html And make a donation, no matter how small ( $ 5, $ 25 . . . . or even $ 100 with Pay Pal, Cheques or even Cash by snailmail :) ) so this miraculous distro can keep releasing new versions . . . . and keep you happy !!Thanks !!B) BrunoPS: Just for the record: I have no stock-options or shares in PCLos :( :D :(

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BrunoYour stock options are all with Mandrake aren't they?...Anyway good Idea ..we need to support our fav distros...(one of the reasons I cut back on Number of Distros :( ...that was getting expensive :) (well that and I'm cheap!!! B) )...BTW PCLinuxOS 8 works great on the white box...(even w/ 256 shared RAM and is quicker than Mandrake 10.1..go figure)

Edited by BarryB
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LOL Barry !! . . . . . . Well, to give something in return other then a real fine distro, here are links to some real fine wallpapers specially made for PCLos:( BTW I personally use the first one B) )m15432-1.png http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?c...74164c9d6cbf7e3m18671-1.png http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?c...74164c9d6cbf7e3m15584-1.png http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?c...74164c9d6cbf7e3m15583-1.png http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?c...74164c9d6cbf7e3m13796-1.png http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?c...74164c9d6cbf7e3m19530-1.png http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?c...74164c9d6cbf7e3( At KDE-Look.org click on the thumbnails to get the full picture ):( Bruno

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I like it! Thanks for posting. Guess I will have to do some updates to the looks shortly. It was time to remove the Christmas ones anyway. :(

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since everyone was talking about Pclos i decided to get iso and burn it and looking through the plugins i was suprised there were so many, so i copied them and later burned them will use them as backup i think it would be much easier copying them if you ever had to do a reinstall just hope that it works havent tried it yet lol

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Hi SteelHere is the command if you want to copy all the browser-plugins ( + java ) from the Live CD to a distro you have on hdCommand form the rumnning Live CD:

# cp -rd /initrd/loopfs/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/*  /mnt/hda??/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/

( Just replace the "hda??" with the partition the distro you want to copy them to is on ):( Bruno

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WOW . . . I like the background.jpg !!!!Is the tar.gz a splash ??? . . Update: yes it is !!! Brilliant !!! Thanks Ivan !B) Bruno

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