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Found 3 results

  1. sunrat

    ClearOS matures

    It's Time To Pay Attention To Intel's Clear Linux OS Project Intel's ClearOS has reached v2.0. It now has a nice installer and looks more friendly for users. The performance tests are mostly quite impressive but personally I'm not a fan of its default DE which is Gnome. Hopefully the performance optimisations will filter to other distros.
  2. More attack vectors have been discovered in Intel CPUs. Linux kernel devs frantically develop patches: https://www.zdnet.com/article/linux-vs-zombieload/
  3. IDF: Intel says Clover Trail will not work with Linux - The Inquirer Banks on Microsoft's marketing for x86 tablet sales What happened to OS agnostic hardware, particularly processors and motherboards? We are back to this crap! Again! That is so old hat. It went out with Mandrake 7 Linux. What was what? 12 years ago? Or was it longer since I couldn't afford to upgrade my annoying 'Made for Windows" motherboard/processor for a couple years. I am SOOOO disappointed that Intel is turning back to being like this. They have been moving in the other direction for so long. We finally had been able to sigh relief on hardware coming from Intel as they were really trying hard to be OS agnostic, or so it seemed. Thanks for nothing. Guess it's back to AMD. Sigh...
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