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Found 9 results

  1. Updates Debian Lennylibgnutls26 2.4.2-6+lenny1 [457kB]Total 457 kBB) Bruno
  2. securitybreach

    NEW UPDATES Archlinux

    I know there are not a lot of Archlinux users right now but there are many that are interested. Bruno posted threads listing the updates for Debian, Slackware, Mandriva, PCLos, etc. So to stay in the spirit, I thought I would start a thread listing the updates for 32bit and 64bit Archlinux core, extra, community, and also the community-maintained AUR repos. Actually all the credit should go to Eric, since he thought of it first.Anyway, since Archlinux is a rolling distros there will be many updates daily. The main updates will have a description of the package but the AUR will not have a description. The reason being is the AUR packages have multiple versions of the same package. You will also notice there will be no security updates. The reason being is that Archlinux does not patch source packages except in rare cases and only if it is a security issue. http://wiki.archlinu..._Bug_Guidelines If you do not run Archlinux, you can use this thread to know when new versions of packages become available. They are not updated immediately but usually within a day or so. A lot of the AUR packages are devel or git versions so you can watch those versions as well.So here is the Thu, 07 Jan 2010 updates:
  3. Updates Slackware 13.0Package seamonkey-1.1.17-i486-1 upgraded with new package seamonkey-1.1.18-i486-1.txz.Package seamonkey-solibs-1.1.17-i486-1 upgraded with new package seamonkey-solibs-1.1.18-i486-2.txz.Package mozilla-firefox-3.5.2-i686-1 upgraded with new package mozilla-firefox-3.5.3-i686-1.txz.Total 21051 kBB) BrunoNote: Swaret stopped working, so changed package-manager to: slackpkgCommand used: "# slackpkg update && slackpkg upgrade-all"
  4. Is anyone using auto upgrades or updates with Debian? I would like my Debian 9 stable to automatically to download and install security updates or at least notify me that update are available like mint does. If you are doing this, What software (Cron, Apt, Auto-Upgrade, are you using? I like to automate things as much as possible which was easy to do in Mint. Tia Mel
  5. I get this error when attempting to start the app from the command line: mousepad: error while loading shared libraries: libxfce4util.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory What now?
  6. Mac Malware Targeting Unpatched Office Running on OS X – eWeek As noted in the Fran's Computer Services blog posting: Virus Bulletin has a Glossary entry for shellcode noted above:
  7. Mozilla Firefox 12.0 and Thunderbird 12.0 have been pushed out and I updated to both yesterday. They are working very well so far. No problems with any of the Extensions I use with Firefox 12.0 or Thunderbird 12.0, however Lightning 1.3 was updated to Lightning 1.4 during the install when it checked for updates to extensions. All going quite well. But I was careful too. I backed up my bookmarks .json for Firefox and copied my entire Thunderbird profile just to be sure. But it all went very well!
  8. Firefox skirts Windows security feature to make silent updates happen - Computerworld I love Firefox and would love to see it be able to keep their users updated with the least amount of fuss, however, I am not sure this is a wise move at all. I am not at all sure Microsoft should allow this because of the potential for malware purveyors to do the same. Or am I missing something? Are there any other programs that can auto update without being trapped by UAC first? YES! Google Chrome has been doing it since it started. OK, must be OK if it's worked out well for Google Chrome all this time.
  9. Undoing the damage wrought by Microsoft's Outlook update - Macworld More in the article.
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