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  1. but it's NOT made by Apple! http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/01/08/ik_mulitimedia_iring_gets_hand_in_first_for_ios_motion_control/ You can be certain if Apple made the ring it would cost at least £100. Also I wonder how long it will be before Apple try to get them to change the name. Lets hope that they can be used with non Apple products as it sounds like a really funky gadget.
  2. abarbarian


    This I find interesting. Not just for the two screens but what you can do with them. If I had some loot I'd be tempted. Interesting that it is made by a Russian company with the e-ink screen made by a USA company. Looks like the Cold War is really over. http://www.linuxbsdo...ut-not-by-much/ http://www.yotaphone.com/#/en/ Ha ha just realised this is in the wrong place.
  3. I'm surprised this revelation didn't provoke mass uproar: Apple patents tech to let cops switch off iPhone video, camera and wi-fi
  4. Why can’t Siri announce caller name - BambisMusings Blog
  5. http://blogs.compute...nterface-design Jony Ive, the guy who has designed most of the Apple hardware since the iMac (actually before that, to the Newton even), will be in charge of "human interface" while the iOS development will go to the same guy who leads OS X (I'm not sure if he was promoted to OS X at the same time, or has been in charge of it and they're just adding iOS to it). Forstall was forced out after being the public face for the Maps debacle in iOS 6, and the Siri...disappointment, I guess. From the article, and I've seen it in a few other places too, the final straw was Forstall refusing to sign the apology Apple released a bit ago. Forstall said at WWDC that the Maps were the best ever, and things like that. So basically this was a huge shakeup at Apple, moving execs and departments around.
  6. Let me say this right at the start. This is a purely personal evaluation of the merits of the Apple and Android technosystems, what they offer and how they meet my needs. I'm not attempting to fan the flames of the larger Apple/Android conflict among users. Each environment has its advantages and disadvantages. I believe the only meaningful method for determining which is best for us is to examine our particular needs and experiment to find out which system provides us the best user experience. My time online is pretty evenly split between content creation and consumption. While some evenings may be spent doing nothing better than keeping up with my friends on Google+, FriendFeed or forums I'm a member of, other times I'm writing for my blogs, responding to email messages or doing maintenance work on a website. I expect my tablet and desktop computers to allow me to both consume and create. My phone on the other hand, besides being a basic communications device, is primarily used for consumption. I tried blogging from my HTC EVO once and it was a frustrating experience I don't intend to repeat. Both the screen and keyboard are too small to allow any serious work to be done. I love the tablet as a mobile device. I've had a variety of laptops over the years, and while I thought my Acer netbook was an ideal size and offered just the functionality I desired, I've found that tablets are even more ideal for my purposes. Until recently my experience with tablets was limited to iPads. The on-screen keyboard is comfortable and with practice almost as easy to use as the keyboard on my desktop. Cut and paste along with drag and drop aren't as simple as with a laptop or desktop, but for basic writing and editing the iPad has been adequate. Lately though I've been thinking about the advantages of having a unified environment for all my computing devices; smartphone, tablet and desktop. Synchronization of notes, schedules, calendars and apps is very useful and makes my daily life much more organized. My desktop computer and my current tablet are both Apple products, while my phone is an Android. Only a few of my apps, like Dropbox, Google calendar and Kindle, can synch between all three devices. So if I wanted to unify all my devices into one environment I had to decide if I wanted to go with Apple or Android. Since I really enjoy my Android phone I decided to look into getting an Android tablet and accepting that my desktop would be the outlier. I had a little extra money last week from a combination of extra hours and overtime at work and, based on the recommendations of my friends on Google+, purchased a Nexus 7 16GB tablet and listed my iPad for sale on Craigslist at what I felt was a fair price. If I decided to keep the Android tablet I wouldn't need the iPad, and the money I got for it would offset the purchase of the Nexus. The Nexus 7 livd up to the hype I've read online. It's a solid device and the Jelly Bean version of the operating system makes using an Android tablet a joy. Synchronization with my Google applications and my phone was effortless. Where the Nexus failed to impress me was in the size of the screen and the available apps that would allow me to use the tablet as I needed. Likely because I'm nearly 60 and my eyesight isn't what it used to be, the 7" form factor is a bit too small for comfortably reading text. I was constantly having to expand the view even on sites optimized for mobile viewing, which then would push some of the content off the screen, forcing me to scroll left and right as well as up and down. That makes reading almost any blog or website a real PITA. I also found very few apps that allowed me to post to blogs or create webpages. After three days of doing my best to make the Nexus fill my needs I returned it and cancelled the ad for my iPad. It so happens that my current two-year contract with Sprint comes to an end in October and I'm eligible for a discount on another phone. While I really like my EVO it's too old to qualify for an upgrade to its OS, so selecting another model is necessary if I want to take advantage of a modern mobile OS. Since I've decided the iPad meets my needs for a mobile computer better than the Android alternative, perhaps it is time to consider an iPhone. This would make my desktop Mac, my iPad and phone all able to work together. It so happens that Sprint is offering a remanufactured iPhone 4S with my current plan for no cost when factoring in the credit I'll get for sending them my EVO in exchange (I'm a big fan of remanufactured hardware and recommend it as a low cost option when my friends are considering a major electronics purchase. Most remanufactured units are in better condition than those fresh off the assembly line). That's the option I've decided to go with, and as an added bonus Sprint is sending my phone overnight via UPS at no additional charge. So I'm going from a less-than-satisfactory mixed OS environment to a completely Apple experience. I still like the Android system. In fact I strongly suspect that in two more years when I'm ready for a new phone or tablet I might just choose to change over to Android. By then there might even be a Linux based phone and tablet available to complicate my decision. On a philosophical level I support the open source Linux and Android system over the closed Apple one. But philosophy doesn't help me accomplish what I need to do on the computer. And that's the bottom line for me; not what's popular at the moment or what I wish I could afford but rather what I can afford that meets my computing needs.
  7. Neil P

    iPhone 5

    On Tuesday, 12 September, Apple is holding an event. It is very widely speculated (and almost certain) that the iPhone 5 will be announced at the event. It's not clear if they'll call it "iPhone 5" or "the new iPhone" (as they did with the latest iPad), but the invitation has a "5" in the shadow. Gizmodo has a roundup of all of the rumors so far: http://gizmodo.com/5...up?tag=iphone-5 The screen is supposedly 4 inches (the old phones have a 3.5in display) at 16:9 ratio. And using a thinner (and more magic) display that will enable less power usage. The biggest change to me seems to be the new connector. Instead of the 30 pin connector that has been used in...everything, they'll move to a 19 pin connector. The iPhone 5 will almost certainly be LTE-capable. Also, there have been reports that Sharp, a supplier of screens for the device, was having issues meeting Apple's demand. Either the iPhone 5 will be (more) scarce (than usual) at launch, or the launch will be further out than usual. Or both. And of course, it will feature iOS 6. But we already know about that from WWDC this year. All of this was taken from the Gizmodo link. They have a ton of links to other reports and pictures. Unfortunately I won't be getting a 5, since I just upgraded to the 4S in May (since I broke my 4 ) and I'm not paying $600 for a phone when I don't need it. $200 is bad enough!
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