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Found 4 results

  1. New 'Dockster' malware targets Apple computers - Computerworld Dockster Mac malware found on Dalai Lama-related website - Sophos - NakedSecurity
  2. New, sneakier Flashback malware infects Macs Computerworld More at the 2 page article at Computerworld above. I did a follow up article about this on my FransComputerServices Blog here with some alternatives to heavy handed antivirus programs with real time scanning. At least at this time with Macs.
  3. Lessons for IT, Apple in Flashback brouhaha - Computerworld It's clear that OS X is now a target of malware purveyors By Ryan Faas April 16, 2012 06:54 AM ET Excellent and well rounded article by Ryan Faas. He doesn't pull any punches which is I think a good thing. This type of article is very important if Apple is to grow up in this malware infested world we live in. They need to be open, honest, and quick to respond. ALWAYS! This is the type of scrutiny Microsoft had to endure when it was being foolish about malware in the beginning as well.
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