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The dietpi's keep multiplying...


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Greeting's all....

I had an old RPi 2b sitting around so I decided to see if I could get DietPi installed....I had to connect to the internet via an ethernet cable for starters but was able to setup the outboard wifi adapter during the DP configuration.  It works!  So, now I gotta figure out what I'm gonna do with this one....lol.  Have a great evening.

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Nice. I have a few B+ and newer ones sitting around doing nothing.

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3 hours ago, securitybreach said:

Nice. I have a few B+ and newer ones sitting around doing nothing.

Maybe install Dietpi on one....

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On 5/23/2024 at 11:51 PM, wa4chq said:

Maybe install Dietpi on one....


Nah, I have various computers around the house and never got inspired to do anything with the Pis over the years. They are really only useful for projects as they are very underpowered and not really designed for basic computing. I do use one for my dns running Pihole.

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Yeah, agree.  I don't use them for basic computing....I just like setting them up for things like Pihole, MagicMirror, Piaware, Music server(dietpi), remote Music server(dietpi), storage....got one more I'm trying to put to useless use....😆

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Basic computing on a Pi before would have been a bit of a pain.  Todays Pi's would be ok for someone who just did very simple stuff in short bursts and wanted a very small pc. There are much more robust and cheaper options around though.


I would love to do a magic mirror. Done the research looked at parts etc but have no time as have still got a home and garden to sort out. My next project is a Pi camera  for home security. Had the parts for this for over six years. 🤣

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4 hours ago, abarbarian said:

 Had the parts for this for over six years. 🤣


Sounds like me with some things.

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6 hours ago, abarbarian said:

Basic computing on a Pi before would have been a bit of a pain.  Todays Pi's would be ok for someone who just did very simple stuff in short bursts and wanted a very small pc. There are much more robust and cheaper options around though.


I would love to do a magic mirror. Done the research looked at parts etc but have no time as have still got a home and garden to sort out. My next project is a Pi camera  for home security. Had the parts for this for over six years. 🤣

The MM is kinda neat.  I have mine setup so when I'm not watching TV...which is only in the evening, the MM is plugged in.  When I watch TV, I swap cables.  I did the pi cam a few years back as well.  I did timelapse photos with it...which was kinda cool.  Later I used for watching birds.  Kept it out near where I sprinkled seed.  Then I quit using it, reused the sd card for something else....but I'm in the process of trying it with dietpi....will keep you posted.

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Nice looking desktop. I haven't used a window manager with a desktop in years (2005 maybe) but I used to also like using widgets.

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26 minutes ago, securitybreach said:

Nice looking desktop. I haven't used a window manager with a desktop in years (2005 maybe) but I used to also like using widgets.

That's my tv....not my desktop....lol 

This is the desktop      VVV


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Desktop as far an actual desktop, i3 and other wms do not use a desktop as the only time you would see it is if nothing was open.

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Whatever...I3 is shown in the bottom pic.  MagicMirror isn't on my desk....it's on the tv hanging on my wall.  I don't refer the MM as a desktop.

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I am talking about the actual Desktop location in files managers and the ideal of one.

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2 hours ago, securitybreach said:

I am talking about the actual Desktop location in files managers and the ideal of one.


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On 5/26/2024 at 4:22 PM, wa4chq said:

Whatever...I3 is shown in the bottom pic.  MagicMirror isn't on my desk....it's on the tv hanging on my wall.  I don't refer the MM as a desktop.


I was looking to make an actual Magic Mirror which of course I have not got around to yet.




Build your own Super Smart Magic Mirror




Not so keen on the brown frame in the above, would prefer natural wood look. The project is ace though. 😋

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Very nice!  I think the MM's are a great addition to the house.  Mine is kinda basic but you can set it up to do all sorts of stuff, as shown in the vid you provided.

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4 hours ago, wa4chq said:

Very nice!  I think the MM's are a great addition to the house.  Mine is kinda basic but you can set it up to do all sorts of stuff, as shown in the vid you provided.


Yer right. Thing is you are just using a monitor whereas the video shows an actual mirror with smart stuff showing on it. That is what I was interested in. 😋

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5 hours ago, abarbarian said:


Yer right. Thing is you are just using a monitor whereas the video shows an actual mirror with smart stuff showing on it. That is what I was interested in. 😋

Yep.   I read some of the articles before I did mine.  The fellow building the one in the YT link you provided is going all out with his.  It looks pretty cool.  My thought when doing mine was to use what I had already had...the smart TV and the Rpi.    I didn't want the mirror since I use the TV in the evening.  No matter how it's built, I like the idea of the MM.  Since I do see my reflection, I'm gonna continue to call mine a Magic Mirror....lol.  Hurry up and get yours built and post some pictures!  Enjoy the project.

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On 5/28/2024 at 10:51 PM, wa4chq said:

Hurry up and get yours built and post some pictures! 


I doubt I will live long enough to build one. It is on the bottom my list but it is a very long list. 🤣

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27 minutes ago, abarbarian said:


I doubt I will live long enough to build one. It is on the bottom my list but it is a very long list. 🤣

I understand.....and that is why I opted to do MM2 without the "mirror" and make use of the TV already on the wall.  MM is on all day except for the few hours I'm watching a show.  If I had a family, I wouldn't be able to do my MM like this....the TV would be in high demand!  lol 

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