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Need to add application to Manjaro menu


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I will try to explain this as best I can. I have Manjaro cinnamon installed and working great. I use luckybackup in mint and want to use it in Manjaro. I downloaded the tar file and opened it. I then executed in the terminal qmake make and it did everything OK and made a directory. Now the only way I can run the application is to cd to the directory while in the terminal and the use the command ./luckybackup. Here is the comple syntax


[mhb@Manjaro ~]$ cd luckybackup-0.5.0
[mhb@Manjaro luckybackup-0.5.0]$ ./luckybackup

the program is then executed and works. What I want to do is put the program in my application menu. There is a folder with Icons for the application. I am not sure about how to get the application into the applicarion menu so that I can just click on a icon to run the program.



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In Debian the menu is populated by placing .desktop files in /usr/share/applications/ . The syntax is fairly simple. If Manjaro/Cinnamon uses the same method (it probably does as it's an xdg standard), just look in there for any other .desktop file and modify to suit.

Here's a simple one from my system for Mirage (filename is mirage.desktop), the categories are fairly self-explanatory and you can ignore mimetypes for Luckybackup I guess:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=A fast GTK+ Image Viewer
Exec=mirage %f

You might need full path for Icon and/or Exec depending on where it is.

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V.T. Eric Layton

RULE #1 for ALL Linux distributions: Always search the repos before building on your own. Of course, you know that already, Mel. :)




By the way, Josh...


Configs/PGP Key/comhack π


I happened to click on your comhack in your sigline a few moments ago. I notice that nothing is happening there. The page doesn't even load. At one time, you had a "coming soon" notice, but not anymore. I guess I'm just going to have to quit waiting for comhack to come online, huh? It's been like waiting for my winning lottery jackpot or watching a pot boil. 🤪

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Thanks Sunrat I will have to see where the desktop ini files are placed in manjaro. Eric and Security I searched the AUR repos and Manjaro pamac did not find it. I had to go to Source Forge and download a tarball which after extracting I had to compile. I will search the AUR repos again and use Pacman.



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Problem solved

I found that the AUR repo was not activated in Pamac even though it looked like it was. I activated it and downloaded the build package and got it compiled and installed. Thanks everyone. Now I will check to see where it put the desktop ini file. It is working now.



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