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Got a question about cloning programs between two different versions of Windows Operating Systems (OSes). I am NOT asking about cloning the OS itself, just a couple of specific programs.

Here's the scenario:

- I have an HP Desktop running Windows Vista Home Premium and it has two proprietary security programs. One operates our condo complex's garage door entry, and, the other operates the building's door entry system.

- These programs cost ~$300 + labor for installation; so they're not cheap. They've been running pretty much trouble free for about six years now for what that's worth.

- Our HP Desktop is dying - or more accurately, we think Vista is killing it, i.e. we think the problem is with the OS not the PC.

- If we downgrade to Windows XP SP 3 we would like to be able to clone the two security programs so we don't have do buy another license. (We can't upgrade to Windows 7 because the programs' versions are too old; nor, I've been told, would they run in Compatibility Mode on a Windows 7 installation)

- Would these cloned two programs work on XP? Or, is cloning only intended/designed for cloning complete OS?


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There are no absolutes here, so you would have to test. LapLink's PC Mover software might do what you are trying to accomplish.




Aryeh Goretsky

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- Our HP Desktop is dying - or more accurately, we think Vista is killing it, i.e. we think the problem is with the OS not the PC.

- If we downgrade to Windows XP SP 3 we would like to be able to clone the two security programs so we don't have do buy another license. (We can't upgrade to Windows 7 because the programs' versions are too old; nor, I've been told, would they run in Compatibility Mode on a Windows 7 installation)

- Would these cloned two programs work on XP? Or, is cloning only intended/designed for cloning complete OS?


What makes you think that the OS is killing the hardware? What specifically? Hard to imagine exactly what would cause that.

(Constant high cpu usage and resulting heat generation? Not really the OS, just inadequate or failing hardware.)


You should not downgrade to XP as that will be a very short term answer. You will be right back in this situation again in April 2014. Unsupported XP with network connections is going to be very dangerous at that time. (I am assuming that the computer is networked to the garage and building access systems.)


Cloning programs can be used to clone entire hard drive (hidden sectors, bootloader, OS, and any other stuff), or a partition which, in Windows, should be the OS and applications.


Cloning applications only in Windows is going to be very difficult. It does not clone the installer, just what you point it at.

The installer creates all kinds of files and folders in many different places as well as Registry entries.

If you try to manually copy over all the correct files, folders, and system entries you will be at it a long time and could very well miss something and it will fail.

Also, some of those system entries will be different due to the OS version change and might not work at all.


Better to clone the entire HDD to a fresh HDD and install in a new computer, if the hardware is failing.

You will have to get Microsoft to validate it which might be a problem, others here will have a better idea about that.


Good luck, I know how much fun HOA's are to manage and deal with.

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What makes you think that the OS is killing the hardware? What specifically? Hard to imagine exactly what would cause that.

(Constant high cpu usage and resulting heat generation? Not really the OS, just inadequate or failing hardware.)


You should not downgrade to XP as that will be a very short term answer. You will be right back in this situation again in April 2014. Unsupported XP with network connections is going to be very dangerous at that time. (I am assuming that the computer is networked to the garage and building access systems.)


Cloning programs can be used to clone entire hard drive (hidden sectors, bootloader, OS, and any other stuff), or a partition which, in Windows, should be the OS and applications.


Cloning applications only in Windows is going to be very difficult. It does not clone the installer, just what you point it at.

The installer creates all kinds of files and folders in many different places as well as Registry entries.

If you try to manually copy over all the correct files, folders, and system entries you will be at it a long time and could very well miss something and it will fail.

Also, some of those system entries will be different due to the OS version change and might not work at all.


Better to clone the entire HDD to a fresh HDD and install in a new computer, if the hardware is failing.

You will have to get Microsoft to validate it which might be a problem, others here will have a better idea about that.


Good luck, I know how much fun HOA's are to manage and deal with.


Thanks. I get it that what I was trying to do was dicey to say the least. I've been convinced of its futility.


Re the HDD: I ran Gibson Research's "SpinRite" (https://www.grc.com/sr/spinrite.htm) to assure myself that the health of the HDD was okay. SpinRite reported no problems with the HDD, thus my conclusion that the evil entity was Vista.


Re Windows XP: We plan on using this ailing computer for ONLY the building's two security access programs (one for the doors and one for the garage doors) which are NOT connected to the Internet. They are networked ONLY within the building's own wiring specifically for this purpose. So when XP becomes unsupported by Microsoft it shouldn't affect our installation.



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