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Nvidia reveals Nouveau GPU info

V.T. Eric Layton

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Yeah well having the founder/god of Linux proclaim your company is the "the single worst company the Linux developer community has ever dealt with" is a huge blow to their developers and the company as a whole.

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AMD/Radeon SUCK at supporting Linux, yet I've never heard Linus birching about them.


Actually AMD has a pretty good relationship with open source:

AMD has engaged to actively support the development of an open source driver ("gallium" and "radeon"), so that the overall Linux support of AMD has outperformed that of NVIDIA, inverting the former situation as it used to be some years ago.



AMD also provides a SDK for the open source Radeon driver unlike Nvidia which does not officially support Noveau at all.



Do not get me wrong, Noveau is doing a great job but they have to basically reverse engineer the proprietary driver as Nvidia doesn't give them much to work with. Nvidia is really tight with their source.


BTW I get better performance from the Radeon driver than I do from the proprietary catalyst driver but that is a different post in itself. ;)

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V.T. Eric Layton

Well, then... AMD has made some improvements in their support for their Radeon branch because originally Linux gamers hated Radeon because there was very little support. I've always wanted to try a Radeon graphics card, but was scared away by lack of drivers.


Oh, and I manually install Nvidia proprietary Linux drivers on my Slackware installation and Win XP on my main machine... laptops and shop use Nouveau, though. :yes:

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My new build has an A8-5600K Trinity APU and is running Linux Mint 15. Linux Mint recommends the FOSS driver and I'm keeping it that way. I get excellent video and desktop performance with Cinnamon eye candy so I don't see the need to go with fglrx - maybe if I was running Steam for Linux.

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The company have reportedly crippled their Linux drivers to ensure parity with Windows. An Ubuntu user discovered that after an update to Nvidia’s non-free drivers his system was restricted to support only displays. The user wanted to connect 4th monitors using two GTX 560Ti graphics cards with a SLI connector....


An Nvidia representative responded to the thread stating, “For feature parity between Windows and Linux we set BaseMosaic to 3 screens on GeForce.”

Nvidia cripples Linux drivers because of Windows

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Based on my experience so far this is how I'd go if I were making the hardware choices based on activity:


Windows gamer: Intel CPU, Nvidia GPU (the default choice - just works.)

Linux Gamer: Intel - Nvidia. In spite of comments above about crippling the GPU under Linux I still think that for gaming 3D performance the Nvidia blob is best. The AMD CPUs that don't have a graphics module (like Athlon II or FX) would also work OK with Nvidia but they aren't as good as Intel.

Windows General User : AMD offers great value here especially with APUs on laptops.

Linux General User: Again I like AMD - the FOSS driver doesn't support things like WebGL in Chrome but as far as delivering a nice desktop and smooth 3D response, it is great. Far better than Nouveau if you ask me. With the latest kernels and upgraded 2D/3D support the FOSS driver can only get better. And yes you can have 4 screens if you want.

Edited by raymac46
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now, having not had an amd gpu in a long while, who knows, maybe they are more stable now.


I have a ATI Radeon HD 6790 running four monitors and I find it completely stable. Of course, I am running the open source Radeon driver.

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NVIDIA and Valve have worked together for more than one decade


Sartain also said, "Everyone at Valve and NVIDIA believe the SteamOS open ecosystem is a very important move for gaming. It has the potential to redefine the living room experience...NVIDIA has done a ton of work to optimize its GTX GPU series on Linux..


Whilst Nvidia may not have been the openest of supporters of linux in the past. They are certainly throwing some love linux's way now. :flowerz: I think that the sun shines out of Nvidia's *** as they are moving mountains to fully optimise the GTX range and I have two of em :Laughing: I'm keeping me fingers crossed that as they are optimising for gamers that SLI support will be vastly improved too.

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I don't think anyone would criticize Nvidia's closed source driver performance on Linux - it's just that up until now they have contributed very little to the Nouveau driver development and it shows. The open source Radeon driver has passed Nouveau in part due to AMD's documentation and participation in open source development. I have no problems running the FOSS Radeon driver whereas Nouveau drives me bonkers.

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