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WinPatrol PLUS For Everyone Just $2 & Info About XP Users

Guest LilBambi

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Guest LilBambi

WinPatrol PLUS For Everyone Just $2 - Bits from Bill Blog


About once a year I go crazy and try to introduce WinPatrol PLUS to the folks who have never heard of WinPatrol or have never experienced this small powerful app. For over 15 years WinPatrol has been recommended by friends and family but I never invested in any kind of expensive PR campaign.


USA Today put it best when it said, “WinPatrol may be one of the best kept secrets in computer protection.”


USA Today


This recommendation came from Pulitzer Prize author Byron Acohido author of Zero Day Threat:...


Much more in the posting! Thanks Bill for doing this again!!! Gonna go snag some more for me! Great way to 'donate' and say how much I love WinPatrol! '


FYI: If you buy via credit card, there is a $.50 surcharge. The PayPal way to pay without a surcharge is in the RIGHT navigation on WinPatrol.com


Also note that you can buy multiple copies of individual WinPatrol at $2 each or a Family Pack for $10


Last time I purchase 5 individual licenses so I could pass some on to friends. This time I think I will just do I chose the Family Pack so I will have unlimited use on all family computers. Wish I could do 5 more individual licenses too but timing is such that I am playing catch up.


Bill also has a posting about Windows XP users: Many Surprised by Windows XP Usage - Bits from Bill Blog:


I’ll admit I’m a little surprised at how many copies of Windows XP are still loading when computers are turned on. According to my most recent blog statistics almost 25% of you are still depending on Windows XP.



The data from WinPatrol.com says 21.5% of our visitors use Windows XP.




* Numbers will vary for other websites.


I’m pleased to see XP users are still downloading WinPatrol because they may benefit more than anyone by its protection. This will especially be true next April when Microsoft drops security updates for Windows XP or now if you haven’t installed Service Pack 3.


The current official Microsoft warning is

“To continue receiving security updates for Windows, make sure that you're running
Windows XP with Service Pack 3 (SP3)
. The support for Windows XP with Service Pack 3 ends April 8, 2014. If you’re running Windows XP with Service Pack 3 (SP3) after support ends, to ensure that you will receive all important security updates for Windows, you need to upgrade to a later version, such as Windows 8.”


This end of security updates also applies to Office 2003. The Windows XP “end of support” date has already been extended more than once.


BOLD emphasis mine.


Much more in the article. If you read the 7/23/2013 update to that article, Microsoft is also pushing their XP Retirement party (posted after this posting by Bill.

Edited by LilBambi
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Guest LilBambi

Since there are always people who will use outdated hardware that can't run newer OSes, this is very good news. At least they will have ways of mitigating those dangers, somewhat.

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I just purchased my 6th license.

I have another netbook on the way any day now and I want WinPatrol Pro set up on it immediately. (That and MBAM are one of the first things I do).

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Bill extended the sale until Friday, August 16. So, if you missed it, you still have time!


Following is the information about the version 28.6.2013 update:


WinPatrol 28.6 Update

While malware infections range from ransomware to programs that control centrifuges, the biggest complaint lately has been software that installs toolbars and takes over home and search pages. A large number of companies are now including unwanted software with their regular updates. The payments received for tricking users into installing ad driven search pages provide huge incentives. If you find software that seems to require updates every week I would say 1) the company is counting on you not seeing a checkbox that give permission to download unwanted programs or 2) the programmers are so bad they can't fix bugs or security vulnerabilities.


This update provides enhancements and fixes to version 28 especially related to changes made to a Start page, Search Page, Background screen commonly used by ransomware and other common attack vectors. Text is more useful and there are more Help buttons so alert messages can be reduced.


•Our timing and text describing page changes has improved and now a Help button.

•Support for displaying a new Service type (Trigger Start) that is now supported by Windows 8.1.

•Fix bug when Removing programs from registry when they are disabled.

•Fixed error restoring Shortcut or .lnk files that were removed but available in history file

•Options & Reports menu text fixed

•Restart no longer required to enter Name and Code if they have been cleared by Reset and Repair screen

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