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Are You Seeing Blue Smurf Peo;ple in Flash Vids?

V.T. Eric Layton

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V.T. Eric Layton

Recently, I started seeing a bluish tinge to faces and other light colored objects in Flash videos, particularly on YouTube. The problem is that Adobe's Flash plugin uses hardware acceleration by default. It doesn't work will with Nvidia, evidently. The quick fix for me is to just Right click on a vid and choose Options, then uncheck "Use Hardware Acceleration".


Here is some discussion about this at the Nvidia forums --> http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=2541629#post2541629

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  • 5 weeks later...
V.T. Eric Layton

I got tired of having to reset my flash settings to disable hardware accelleration after every cookies/cache dump so I just reverted to the old flash plugin "Square" (10.2) from September 2010. Worked fine then. Works fine now. :)

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