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  1. I have been under the weather this week, so between that and often spending a fair amount of time on the road for appointments before that, I have been reading or listening to a fair amount of Isaac Asimov lately, and of course it reminds me how much we have seen in most SciFi movies and shows on television incorporate many concepts included in Asimov very prolific books (or one of his contemporaries). I have recently reread the first three books in the Robot Series: The Caves of Steel, The Naked Sun, The Robots of Dawn. I then took a little break and read Nemesis another very intriguing book that includes Superluminal Theory! Next, I will be rereading the fourth in the Robot Series, Robots and Empire. The Robot Series is a great set of books and I am thoroughly enjoying them. I couldn't help but become attached to Elijah Baley and R. Daneel Olivaw all over again! The Three Laws of Robotics, the Positronic brain! Jehoshaphat! I really couldn't help but love the relationship that grew over the course of the books between 'Lije' and Daneel. And a very intriguing R. Giskard Reventlov who could read minds! Will have to re-read Asimov's Foundation books too! He was a very gifted and prolific Science Fiction writer! And was a pretty funny guy too...well, at least he had a very funny way of saying things! Born between October 4, 1919 and January 2, 1920. Died in New York, April 6, 1992, age 72. Russian origin, American author and Professor at Boston University. Find @MyPassionIsBooks Blog
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