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  1. Distrobox 1.3 Released For Quickly & Easily Firing Up Different Distros On Your System 89luca89 / distrobox project home page. There is a video on the page which is well worth a look. Distrobox has been successfully tested on these hosts Distrobox guests tested successfully with the following container images: distrobox/docs/usage well worth a read before using distrobox/docs/useful_tips well worth a read before using From my reading it seems easiest and safest to use distrobox with rootless Podman on a personal pc. If using on a remote pc extra care and steps must be taken for security. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Podman#Rootless_Podman There are AUR offerings for distrobox and distrobox-git. The "distrobox" offering is the most recently updated. https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/distrobox This looks to be a super project and pretty safe to use if using on your own pc. For instance I could use it with Arch in a container, fiddle about with it to destructin and not cause any damage to my main install.
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