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Found 4 results

  1. Below is a link for more info. I used it to upgrade my kernel in Mint 18.1 to 4.10 This is a tool for installing the latest mainline Linux kernel on Ubuntu-based distributions. http://www.teejeetec...de-utility.html or click here Mel
  2. I have been noticing this trend lately. Is it just my configuration or are any of you seeing it? When I run yaourt -Syu command to update my system. I consistently see the Net Upgrade size as a negative number. The code is shrinking.
  3. Ed Bott has done two FAQs - so far - regarding upgrading to Windows 8. He has another coming soon. The ultimate Windows 8 upgrade FAQ - Part 1 - ZDNet - You've got questions about the Windows 8 upgrade. Can you burn the upgrade files to DVD or a USB flash drive? Is it possible to go from a 32-bit Windows PC to 64-bit? Who qualifies for cheap upgrades? I've got the answers you're looking for. Everything you need to know about Windows 8 upgrades (FAQ part 2) - ZDNet - Upgrading to Windows 8 is a straightforward process, but the details vary depending on your starting point. This second installment of my Windows 8 upgrade FAQ covers the ins and outs of different upgrade paths. In the final installment: Everything you need to know about Windows 8 product keys and activation. (coming soon) Thanks Ed Bott!
  4. Please feel free to post any comments and feedback on the new upgrades in this topic once the forums are back online. Thanks!
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