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  1. V.T. Eric Layton

    systemd and Arch Linux

    Well, I'll tell you folks like it is... Recently, Arch made some major changes in how their distribution handles hardware management. Currently, they are simultaneously offering udev (now within the new systemd-tools package) and systemd in the Core repos. For those of you not familiar with systemd, you should read here --> https://wiki.archlin...dex.php/Systemd To be blunt, I don't like what I see coming down the pike for Arch. I believe that systemd implementation will be an absolute nightmare. I'm no Linux guru, but after reading how systemd works and how utterly different it is from current methods that the majority of distributions are using, I'm not too thrilled with this "improvement". I believe it may be time for me to say so long to Arch. It's been fun. I don't have any major criticisms. Arch is a fabulous distribution. I thoroughly enjoyed playing with it and learning things. However, I'm no young Linux whipper-snapper these days. I kinda' like old and trustworthy over new and exciting. I'll probably continue to have Arch as a tester somewhere on one of my systems, but I won't be depending on it as my backup OS anymore. This change may be taking place soon. We'll see.
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