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  1. Here are three articles that can help you restore missing features in Windows 8 - without having to resort to using 3rd party programs to get that functionality back. Make Windows 8 boot straight to the desktop - TechRepublic These are some simple instructions for creating a task that will open Explorer on boot so you are immediately bypassing the Windows 8 simplistic start up page and go straight to the desktop. More details in the article. Rather than have it open Explorer every time I boot to get me to the Desktop, I just created a shortcut on the simplistic start up page to a program I use very frequently and click that when I want to immediately go to the Desktop. I would imagine one could also create a start up task to that program rather than Explorer.exe for the startup task. Add a self-made Start button to the Windows 8 desktop - TechRepublic Details in the article. Shutdown Windows 8 right from the desktop - TechRepublic Details in the article.
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