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  1. the script: #!/bin/sh if [ -e "/home/mailspool/checee/sema4.file" ] then nCount=0 while [ "$nCount" -lt 9 ] do echo step $nstep sleep 1 if [ -e "/home/mailspool/checee/sema4.file" ] then sleep 1 nCount=`expr $nCount + 1` else echo 'busy with ' >> /home/mailspool/checee/sema4.file echo $extension >> /home/mailspool/checee/sema4.file nCount=30 fi done ftp -in <<END_SCRIPT open ftp.ourplace.tld user 1234 5678 bin hash prompt cd smrsh put in.$extension bye END_SCRIPT \rm /home/mailspool/checee/sema4.file When i used EOF it worked fine, but I can no longer use EOF as i want to erase the semaphore file. But now the script runs but no ftp is even attempted. What am I getting wrong?
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