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  1. After being a beta tester during the development of Windows 7, I bought a Dell Zino 410 with factory-installed [en-us] Windows 7 Ultimate (in 2010 while in California). I was satisfied enough with Win7, though I still use XP/SP 3 on several machines, and knew that it would be accepted by many users - corporate and individual. Now, four years later, I have purchased an Intel NUC (i5, 16GB RAM, etc.) and bought and installed a new copy of Win7 (a German copy here in Germany). I have been worried that I would not be able to 'duplicate' the working environment I have gotten used to on my Zino box (I use both the Zino and the NUC as my programming machines, not as entertainment devices, why not). Well, one of the things which I had on my Zino installation which I cannot seem to get on my new Win7 installation is the Search Box to the right of the Location field in the sub-directory (Folder) windows. When I check Windows Help, it just says that it is there. However, I just cannot find any customisation possibility in Folder Options or through the Control Panel to display the Search Box. Sadly, I have gotten used to using the Search Box with Win7 to find specific files, even if a Search Box in the sub-directory windows was never a feature on my preferred Win XP systems. Any suggestions? TIA!
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