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  1. abarbarian

    TICKR - Feed Reader

    Came across this rather neat program that has been resurrected after being dormant since 2011. Add A News Ticker To Your Desktop With TICKR (Scrolling News Feed Widget) The home site Latest News on your Desktop, in just a click ... The help files are useful https://www.open-tickr.net/help.php Just some links for RSS inspiration https://www.open-tickr.net/help.php https://www.nasa.gov/content/nasa-rss-feeds/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/10628494 Top 100 World News RSS Feeds Top 90 Linux RSS Feeds I made a short video, 12 mins long , 64 MB, which might be of interest, it shows tickr in use. A fantastic video of Tickr in use. I installed it on my Arch set up doing this after I cd'd into the tickr folder. ./configure make make check make install check sudo make install It installed and runs ok. I will eventually make a Arch PKGBUILD just to keep things tidy. This is a very neat program and is not too intrusive. I have set it to autostart when booting the system up and will continue to play around with it.
  2. My fault , it was the only google i really used at least semi-regularly and I had just started using it more this month. Maybe Black Pixel will pick up the baton
  3. I find this to be a sad and terrible waste. US hounds "hacker" Aaron Swartz to death Justice department has much to answer for The Land of the Free, which is famous for hounding people to death, has yet more blood on its hands after web prodigy Aaron Swartz killed himself under the weight of bogus court actions. Desperate to prove to Hollywood that its lobbying dollars have paid off, the US government has been carrying out a campaign against people it identifies as hackers. Evidence, or even a crime is not necessary, all that is required is to play the legal system until the "hacker" folds and accepts a "deal" and time inside for a crime he or she did not commit. more
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