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  1. V.T. Eric Layton

    Internet Scam - Ransomware

    I pulled this UGLY thing off a client's Win 7 system today. It got right past a fully updated McAfee with no trouble at all. My suspicion is that it was picked up from a bad torrent download. I noticed that this woman's children had numerous offshore illegal music and video download site shortcuts on the desktop. I'll be advising her about this tomorrow. After a manual cleaning using Porteus from a thumb drive and then a final cleaning (once I was able to boot into Windows again) using Malwarebytes and Ccleaner, the system seems to be relatively crud free and stable once again. No data was lost. She got lucky. However, I will be warning her that in total she had 11 pieces of malware and 3 separate trojans on this system, including the key-logging capable reveton virus. I almost feel sorry for folks like this. I should start charging money for this, huh?
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