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  1. Fix when XP refuses to update - Freedomlist - plodr aka our own zlim/Liz Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 8 for Windows XP (KB2898785) I searched for this on our forums, I was pretty sure that Liz posted this here as well as FreedomList, but maybe I just saw it over there. I just used this on my Windows XP Pro VirtualBox. Windows Updates had successfully installed 5 updates but was stuck at 15% and wouldn't go forward. I went looking for this posting by Liz to get that link. I installed it and after rebooting, within just about 10 min or so, I had a bunch of updates (16 to be exact) ready to be installed. It is now installing them. BTW: The install was also VERY slow since I was in it last time a couple or three months ago, so since I hadn't needed to be in this VirtualBox WinXP Pro, I just didn't go in to do anything. Was painful. I am hoping based on a neowin articles (1,2) that this and the new updates will might also take care of that. Thanks to our own Liz/zlim who is also known as plodr, an Administrator on FreedomList! Thanks again! Will report back the results but wanted to get this out there.
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