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  1. DarkSerge


    A friend came to me today asking for some computer help. I agreed to make an attempt to fix it. I haven't seen the system so I don't have any experience with what the problem is, but she gave me some scarce details so I thought I'd throw them out here and start getting ideas about what to look at. From what she tells me, during startup she sees an error that says something is overheating. She didn't say where she sees it, but I'm guessing in the BIOS startup. She also says the computer completely locks up on logon and she can't do anything at all. That's all I know until I get a chance to actually tinker with it to see what's up. I know it's not much for now, but any thoughts? If it's an overheating issue, would the system just click off instead of lock up? (Although I don't know what exactly is overheating.) It's minimal info, but when I know more I'll post. I just want to get some ideas on where to start beyond just checking the physical system for signs of overheating.
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