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  1. Well I had a bit of luck in that the family gave me a bundle of loot for me 60th burpday. Spent a while deciding what was the most needed and useful thing to buy with all the loot. In the end I decided that a new tv would be the best bang for the buck. So I bought a 42 " smart tv to replace my perfectly working crt tv. This is the first time in me life I have ever bought a new tv. An it is great. Setting it up in Windows to play games and watch vids took a few moments. Great picture and sound from the tv. An most importantly no lag in games. So far so good. Linux, that is me Arch 64 set up has not been so easy. I would like to set up the tv as a clone of the desktop. I managed to set up the tv as a clone of the desktop but the settings did not survive a reboot. I have managed to set up the tv as "Right of" the desktop. So when I move the mouse on the desktop to the right of the screen it then appears on the tv. I can play vids on the tv with vlc but there is no sound output from the tv, sound comes through the headphones on the pc. These settings do not survive a reboot either. I tried to follow the Arch Wiki but it is not at all clear to follow the instructions there, at least for an inexperienced user like me. I made a "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.conf" as per the wiki at least I think I did. I have tried using the "nvidia-settings" gui and that looks ok , at least I think it does. I am now lost in the quicksand at nvidia flats. Help. where am I hello help
  2. Nvidia reveals Nouveau GPU info Avoiding more abuse from Linus Torva[l]ds
  3. Recently, I started seeing a bluish tinge to faces and other light colored objects in Flash videos, particularly on YouTube. The problem is that Adobe's Flash plugin uses hardware acceleration by default. It doesn't work will with Nvidia, evidently. The quick fix for me is to just Right click on a vid and choose Options, then uncheck "Use Hardware Acceleration". Here is some discussion about this at the Nvidia forums --> http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=2541629#post2541629
  4. 14.6.2012 Aalto Talk with Linus Torvalds VIDEO HERE (WARNING! Contains a naughty gesture and a naughty expression)
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