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Found 2 results

  1. https://www.humblebundle.com/books/more-torchwood-doctor-who-audiobooks?linkID=&mcID=102:5b73d5442cab4eca6c7c75d6:ot:56c3d5f0733462ca893e6e72:1&utm_source=Humble+Bundle+Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2018_08_15_moredoctorwho_torchwoodaudio_bookbundle&linkID=&utm_content=cta_button I have put in my order and am willing to lend any of the books if folks want to have a listen.
  2. V.T. Eric Layton

    Loading Your Music Player

    My Master Playlist is nearly 2Gig in size (nearly 300 songs). I just revamped/updated it this afternoon. It's going to take hours to upload it back to my little music player via usb. It's very COOL, but very slow. One day, I guess this process will get faster. For now, I'll just leave the system running for the next four or so hours till this thing finishes. *sigh* Gotta' do it, though. Must have music for those long bike rides/walks.
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