My 5 year old has discovered Minecraft (Super Lego on the computer)
I have set up a vanilla minecraft server on my main desktop which eveyone in the house can connect to with the vanilla clients.
Problem comes when I try to add mod support to the server/client software.
There are not any really simple Linux instructions which work. Lots of Windows/Mac advice.
I have downloaded the Minecraft Forge server software, it is all set up and runs fine.
I need to add the fml (forge mod loader) software to the clients and that is what is failing.
Here are the instructions included with the software needed for the client.
I have opened the .jar files with Ark and added/deleted the files/folders. Fail
I have extracted the archive, added the files/folders, and recompressed with jar command line tools. Fail
After I do this the client load stops at the download complete step and does not proceed.
Any ideas?