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  1. Yes You read that right. I was almost ready to give up on Linux Mint which has been my primary Distro since Mint was first released. It appears that Mint has not kept up with the modern hardware and CPU's for Whatever reasons. The last 2 versions of Mint (Tara) and (Tessa) have both given me fits because of the Ryzen 3 2200 CPU with built in Graphics. The CPU has been out long enough that the Mint Dev's should have been able to support it and the 2400. The Ryzen 2200 and the 2400 are in many of the new PC's and laptops. Other distro's support those CPU's and Graphics why not mint. I finally solved my problems. I had 3 main problems with mint. 1. I Could not play MP4 video files and others. The screen was all garbled no matter what player I used or did. 2. When clicking on a link in email (Thunderbird) or any of the 3 browsers I have, the video or image would not play or open. 3. Random Freeze for unknown reasons and sometimes while doing important work or accessing a bank account. I was about to give up when a couple of people One in stack Exchange and one in Mint forums steered me in the right direction. Here is how I solved my problems with mint. I Installed the util called "UKUU" which makes it easy to install a Kernel in Mint or Ubuntu. I installed Kernel 4.18.0 and that solved part of Number 2 above. Mint is still using 4.15.47 as of today next I downloaded and installed the latest Mesa. This took care of number 1 and 2 above. The mesa that Mint installed even with all of the updates was 18.8 The one I downloaded from Ubuntu swat updates PPA (add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/updates) using (glxinfo | grep "OpenGL version") I find that it installed. (OpenGL version string: 4.5 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 19.0.2). As for number 3 above I'll just have to wait and see as the freeze was random. I did all of this in Mint 19.1 Tessa. Mel
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