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  1. Since last week, I first lost the latest version of Mageia. I was forced to re-install the OS. I spent a lot of time setting it up again to almost the same way as the first, but lost all my personal settings, and OS settings. Well, the following morning, I turnied on the laptop, and could get nothing! I was able to backhandedly log in, but only the consoie was working. It refused to starx, or startkde. It gave me a missing magic number error. I was unable to restore that problem. I did an fsck.ext4. Again, that application also gave me the same error. It couldn't fix anything. BTW, Linux was running on an outboard USB hard drive. I couldn't even get a bad block report out ot the thing. And alt. block didn't work either. The version of Mageia is ver. 4. I didn't download it. It was an automatic distribution upgrade. Searching the Internet, provided no usable suggestions. Anyone know how to fix this? Thanks!
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