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  1. Lunar Impact Site Named After Sally Ride - Science@NASA Much more in the article over at Science@NASA. It was so sad to lose Sally Ride in July 2012. Sally Kristen Ride (May 26, 1951 – July 23, 2012) was an American physicist and astronaut. Ride joined NASA in 1978 and, at the age of 32, became the first American woman to enter into low Earth orbit in 1983. SallyRideScience - Sally Ride Science™ is an innovative science education company. Dr. Sally Ride, America's first woman in space, founded the company to educate, engage, and inspire all students. The company brings science to life through pioneering professional development, instructional solutions, and real-science investigations for students in 4th-8th grades. BambisMuinsgs Blog article
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