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  1. abarbarian

    Docker Images

    I have been keeping an eye on the Docker program for some while and whilst I have yet to give it a run I think it is one of the most exiting developments in the IT world. It seems to have some advantages over programs like VM or Virtual Box. Not familiar with docker ! Well if you do not get up to speed then like the dinosaur you will become extinct.Here is a some information to stop that happening. Solomon Hykes Explains Docker (2013) I know I am a couple of years late in posting this but as they say better late than never. So this thread is dedicated to Docker images that are becoming available. Docker images of Kali Linux 2.0 (2015) Has anyone used Docker ? If so please do post your experiences.
  2. OK, I remember in the good old days (late 90's) a great freeware program for Windows that allowed you to view and manipulate images. It had a great deal of functionality built in. The coolest feature was the slideshow. You could select a folder, apply a few basic parameters, and hit play. I am looking for this program or an equivalent program. It must have the following features: 1. Able to display viurtually all image formats. 2. Able to grab a folder of images and play them in a predefined sequence or randomly. 3. smooth fade transition between images. 4. Customizable timing/repeat options 5. Able to push to the secondary display. Freeware would be best, or some type of simple shareware would work too. Functionality is absolute priority in this case. Thanks for your help..... Adam
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