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  1. Perhaps you folks know more than me on this subject, i've found this particular email on my spam that emulates the website of one of the banks on my country, i knew right away that it was a phishing link (years ago my friend did this with facebook and i learnt about it) the thing is i went to the site and wrote fake username and fake password like "myuseris" password "notyours" just for the fun of it, anyway that got me thinking, can i actually be exploited via an email with HTML code on it? and if that is so, how much of my system is compromised? Any way to know if chromium is actually being hijacked?
  2. macdunn

    Save HTML on iPad

    Is it possible to save an HTML page on an iPad to be run in Safari when offline? The iPad (and iPhone if I had one) is new to me, though I am in the [Windows and browser-based] software field for 30 years. I have a simple HTML page which I would like to be able to run when I am offline. However, there is an embedded VBscript. TIA, -Mac-
  3. sunrat

    Almost a Newsletter

    I just re-signed to an interesting newsletter that gives a variety of positive empowerments to web coding, philosophy and the meaning of life. An inspiring read for sure! Highly recommended. Boogie Jack's Almost A Newsletter.
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