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Found 2 results

  1. Purhonen

    MOBILE Gmail Contacts Missing

    I have a Gmail account with about 250 contacts. When I access my Gmail using my iPhone (6S) or my iPad Mini (4), both with the latest IOS, not all the contacts are there. There appears to be only about 15-20 of my contacts, all in alphabetical order. In other words, I can only see the first 15-20 of my 250 contacts that I can see when in my "non-mobile" Gmail account. I can not find any way to scroll the list to see if there are more of them. I'm trying to send a mass email to all the contacts, but I seem to only be able to do that with the Gmail via my laptop (HP G60 notebook; Windows 7 Home Premium, SP1). Any ideas? Thanks, Steve
  2. https://www.google.com/experimental/gmailfieldtrial Currently a "field trial" that you opt-in to, this lets you see Gmail matches to your (personal) searches. Looks pretty cool.
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