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  1. Please feel free to post any comments and feedback on the new upgrades in this topic once the forums are back online. Thanks!
  2. Cracked up at this post on debianuserforums.org (which is different from the official forums.debian.net) Worth a look for the rest of the posts too. SoulSingin is pretty funny sometimes, here's another classic: Migrating to Debian from Ubuntu
  3. Adam/ross549, our newest Admin, and Lead Moderator for The Restaurant at the Edge of the Universe forum, has done a great job of incorporating the many important pinned posts into Welcome to the Restaurant at the Edge of the Universe posting. Since many Highlanders after they have been here for awhile, do not actually re-read the Welcome posting (generally read more by new Highlander Members), I thought I would call attention to this great great revised Welcome post so folks wouldn't feel we had lost all those wonderful topics that were pinned about the forum history, etc. This change to the Welcome posting and the pinned topics greatly cleans up the look and makes it easier to find the new posts in The Restaurant at the Edge of the Universe forum. Calling all Highlanders, Check it out! Welcome to the Restaurant at the Edge of the Universe Great job Adam!
  4. Guest

    Forum Software Upgrade

    Howdy folks! The forums are mostly done upgrading. The only thing that it is still working on is rebuilding all the posts and boy do we have a lot of posts! But even that is nearly done. This may take all night to finish. Actually, it took about 14 hrs! For the initial time to do this rebuilding. Should be finishing up very shortly. Please note that as a result of the upgrade, many Avatars were not retained. We are not sure why that is. Maybe it is because they were hosted elsewhere but not Gravatars. But again, we are not sure. Once we are back online, you will be Now that we are online, and the avatar issue is fixed, you are able to connect with your Avatars again. AVATARS ARE NOW WORKING! TECHNICAL SETTINGS YOU NEED TO ADHERE TO FOR AVATARS: Max File Size: MAX 50KB Max Image size: 100w x 100h HOLD THE AVATARS: It looks like if you have a Gravatar or had an image on the server like mine forever, all is well. But if you didn't have one on the server already, it offers to allow you to use an image/photo URL but IT DOESN'T WORK! We will get this working. I don't know why it isn't working. But we will get to the bottom of it. In the meantime, if you have an image location online that you can PM to me, I can add it to your profile. On the lighter side of the news...the Moderation Team link which was broken with 3.3.0, is fixed with 3.3.1 upgrade done today. EDIT: Just found out that because of the dynamic way the Avatars are resized in the new version of IPB, no remote images allowed. It will import your remote image or your Gravatar to the site. We did lose a couple hours by having to use an slightly older database for the upgrade due to some issues with an earlier attempt at the upgrade. So we definitely lost the announcement here about the forums upgrade. It appears that the latest posting we have before the upgrade concluded was this one: Ugly Hardware raymac46 - Apr 11 2012 08:29 AM If you notice anything else wrong, once the forums are back online, please feel free to post in the Forum Feedback area here.
  5. securitybreach

    Forum Software Upgrade

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