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  1. Does anyone fancy a game ? It would be easy to organise a cloud/Dropbox folder accessible by players for storing the game files. I was thinking of something like ZIM which is cross platform and easy to use for all the game instructions and gameplay. A chat program would be might be useful aswell so that folk could talk about the throw of the dice or the Gamemasters decisions. I was thinking of Hex-Chat but am not sure if it is cross platform. Playing the game would be simple. Discuss here in a thread a game and characters and decide on a Gamesmaster. Create a online folder containing ZIM. The Gamemaster issues instructions updates the folder and posts a notification in the forum thread. As each player takes a turn they record their actions in ZIM and updates the folder and posts a notice in the forum thread. Talk about the game could either be in the forum thread or in a chat program which ever folk feel is the best way. Players would not need to make instant decisions though they could if they wanted to. As folk have different calls on their time responding to the game would be to suit the player with say a 48 hour limit on turns. That is the basic outline if anyone is interested. https://www.humblebundle.com/books/doctor-who-rpg-books We could either get one copy of the game or each buy a copy the Humble folk support some good causes so I do not mind the individual copy route.
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