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Found 7 results

  1. MX-18 Continuum Now Available Submitted by dolphin_oracle on Thu, 12/20/2018 - 05:20 MX-18 Continuum Official Release December 20, 2018 --direct download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/mx-lin ... inal/MX18/ mirror sites (these may take some time to populate) https://mxlinux.org/wiki/system/iso-download-mirrors torrents: 32 bit Linuxtracker 64 bit Linuxtracker We are pleased to offer MX-18 Continuum.
  2. https://www.zdnet.com/article/debian-linux-founder-ian-murdock-dies-at-42-cause-unknown/ There seems to be a mystery surrounding his death. Whatever the cause a sad loss.
  3. Here is a brand new unofficial respin of MX Linux tweaked for optimal audio performance and containing a nice collection of audio software and plugins. Developer is this guy called sunrat, although probably a more correct title would be "hack-togetherer of lots of other peoples' work". It's tweaked from a full version of the August MX snapshot, with Liquorix kernel, KXStudio repos and most of raboof's realtimeconfigquickscan script. It will run as a live CD/USB although I prefer to install it to HD/SSD for best experience. There will be an RC2 in a week or so as I already have a list of minor changes and requests for additional programs. I still have to add some documentation to explain what it is, but you can get the .iso file from here - https://sourceforge....o-sunrat/files/ Discussion thread is here - https://forum.mxlinu...?f=100&p=458605
  4. abarbarian

    Linux Fringe distros.

    Thought it might be a good idea to have a thread about odd ball distros. So here goes. We all know that for some strange reason penguin developers have a manga or anime itch so this first post is for them. Mangaka Is an Artful Blend of Simplicity and Style home site, https://animesoft.wordpress.com/linux/help/ More weird and wonder fulls coming soon.
  5. abarbarian


    http://www.maui-project.org/en/ http://www.maui-proj.../en/about/maui/ https://github.com/m...oals-and-Design This project seems to have a lot of Arch luuurve in the background as there are Arch packages available for Hawaii. I'm fascinated by Wayland and have been ever since I saw a video of it in action over at Phronix. Downloading the .iso now and will be trying Maui out on a usb stick sometime over the weekend. Wonder how it will fly ? http://www.maui-project.org/en/download/
  6. 7 More Heroes of Linux Thought you slackers might appreciate this
  7. abarbarian

    Unashamed Arch plug

    KISS simplicity: Arch Linux by Guillermo Garron
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