Dear Windows folks,
I rarely use MS Windows, as most of you know. However, I noticed it slowing down a bit the last couple times I booted into it. All was OK app and resource wise. It's an up-to-date XP Pro system. It has a fully updated Win Essentials guarding the gates. I usually run it with Networking disabled, anyway.
I figured it may be a fragmented drive issue. Well, I was right. I hadn't ever defrag'd this set up, that I can remember. Like I said, I use it very rarely; game playing mostly. I think all the installs/removals of different game and patches and baloney may have fragged me up a bit.
Windows native defragger was always terribly slow and clunky. I couldn't remember what defrag software I used to use years ago, though. I did a quick search, and Lifehacker had a nice article about free defraggers. The one I chose to download was Auslogics - Disk Defrag 3 (free version). It was fast and efficient. My C drive and my other Windows and Fat32 common partitions were defrag'd in just a short time. All's well now.
Have any of you heard of this application? Have you used it? What do you use?
~a displaced penguin