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  1. An Interactive Terminal-Agnostic Theme Selection Script https://github.com/lemnos/theme.sh the script itself https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lemnos/theme.sh/master/bin/theme.sh There are AUR packages but why on earth would you want to use it rather than installing directly I do not understand. https://aur.archlinux.org/packages?O=0&SeB=nd&K=+theme.sh&outdated=&SB=p&SO=d&PP=50&submit=Go This is the easiest way I have found for trying out different looks in the terminal. I gave the script a once over to see if it contained any naughties.Installed " fzf " so that I could use the interactive feature.Then I used the install code modified to suit my needs, I keep all my scripts in /home/me/bin/, an in a couple of clicks I was trying out hundreds of different setups. I ended up with " dracula " but quite like the look of " birds-of-paradise " . I may use some of the ideas I glean to tweak my set up slightly after I have played around for a while.
  2. http://opensource.com/life/12/7/bold-experiment-august-one-new-linux-distribution-every-day Some folks have a lot of energy Wonder if they will all be buntu's or will he try out different os's
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