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Found 4 results

  1. crp

    VLC and W7

    Anyone here have version 2.08 of vlc working with W7 ? I just installed it and all it does is crash
  2. Guest

    Twitter SMS bug

    Twitter SMS bug lets hackers tweet via other users' accounts - CNET
  3. V.T. Eric Layton

    local_soft_irq_pending in Arch

    Anyone experiencing this? https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=143460 I am. Hopefully the next kernel will resolve. This, unfortunately, is one of the things that I do NOT like about Arch. I never understood the need to be at the bleeding edge on kernel releases. Heck, I think I'm still running a kernel in Slack and an even older one in CentOS. They both work fine.
  4. I saw these files on one of my MS Win XP partitions earlier this evening: install.exe install.res.1028.dll install.res.1031.dll install.res.1033.dll install.res.1036.dll install.res.1040.dll install.res.1041.dll install.res.1042.dll install.res.2052.dll install.res.3082.dll vcredist.bmp globdata.ini install.ini eula.1028.txt eula.1031.txt eula.1033.txt eula.1036.txt eula.1040.txt eula.1041.txt eula.1042.txt eula.2052.txt eula.3082.txt vc_redist.msi vc_redist.cab It's nothing to be worried about according to Microsoft --> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/950683
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