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  1. Updates Slackware 13.0Package seamonkey-1.1.17-i486-1 upgraded with new package seamonkey-1.1.18-i486-1.txz.Package seamonkey-solibs-1.1.17-i486-1 upgraded with new package seamonkey-solibs-1.1.18-i486-2.txz.Package mozilla-firefox-3.5.2-i686-1 upgraded with new package mozilla-firefox-3.5.3-i686-1.txz.Total 21051 kBB) BrunoNote: Swaret stopped working, so changed package-manager to: slackpkgCommand used: "# slackpkg update && slackpkg upgrade-all"
  2. Updates Debian Lennylibgnutls26 2.4.2-6+lenny1 [457kB]Total 457 kBB) Bruno
  3. . Administrator Emeritus: our teacher, our friend: Bruno Administrators: securitybreach, V. T. Eric Layton, Peachy Moderators: BarryB, sunrat, Urmas Honorary ATL Moderators: teacher, striker, and ozgeek Please be sure to read over our Revised Forum Rules. If you have any questions or concerns relating to the All Things Linux Forum, feel free to contact the All Things Linux Moderation Team. Welcome and Enjoy! Bruno
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